School District:
Austintown Local Schools
Grade Levels: 6-8
Number of Students: 1,260
Area: 177,660 New SF
Construction Cost: $15.1M
Completion Date: 2007
Cost per SF: $84.99
Associate Architect: Fanning Howey Associates |
Facing tight site constraints
and wetland limitations, this new 177,660 square-foot middle
school will be a state-of-the-art facility, focused on
technology. The site constraints dictated a multi-story,
grade level separation, thus allowing for vertical separation of
grades. The design compliments the school district's
education campus. It completes a campus master plan that
includes a high school, two elementary schools, the board of
education offices, an athletic complex and a newly constructed
public library. The design of the lobby reinforces the
district's mentoring program - the Pillars of Character:
respect, citizenship, caring, responsibility, fairness and
trustworthiness. |